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quality, safety and environmental policy


Epoca S.p.A. considers health and safety of its internal staff, satisfaction of its customers and protection of the environment as fundamental and integral parts of its organisational model.

The company management is committed to:

- to provide products and services that comply with customer requirements and applicable laws and standards

- to continuously increase customer satisfaction

- comply with laws and regulations for the environment, health and safety at work

- to consider the expectations and requirements for quality, environment, and safety of all stakeholders

- to continuously improve its processes for quality, safety and the environment


To implement this policy, the company management considers it essential:

- the respect of agreements with all interested parties

the guarantee of process and product quality standards

the precise definition of roles, participation and involvement of all workers and collaborators, promoting two-way dialogue also through their representatives

the maintenance of workplaces that are suitable for people and processes, safe, healthy and protect the environment

the adoption of behaviours and procedures suited to quality, environmental and safety requirements

the management of all events that highlight safety and environmental risks, also through the adoption of appropriate corrective and improvement actions

the constant updating of the practices and documents of the integrated management system with a view to continuous improvement

promoting awareness, sensitivity and supporting the growth of workers' skills in the fields of environment, safety, and quality

make available the human resources, economic resources, know-how, etc., working methods, information, and data necessary to achieve objectives and targets in terms of environment, safety and quality.

Epoca S.p.A. promotes the knowledge, respect and dissemination throughout the supply chain of the ethical principles provided for by the SMETA audit also expressed through its CODE OF ETHICS constantly updated on the company website. 

Epoca SPA also undertakes to respect the protocols and policies defined by its customers.

This policy is periodically checked and updated according to the evolution of the company and the applicable mandatory regulations.

This document is published on the company website and available to all interested parts.



Bassano del Grappa,10/01/2025                                                                               la Direzione